Race Equality Policy

Race equality policy

BB Packaging Ltd are committed to promoting equality of opportunity and good race relations and to avoiding racial discrimination.


This policy implements requirements placed on BB Packaging Ltd under the provisions of the Race Relations (Amendment) Act 2000, and the general duty under section 71 (1) to promote race equality and in particular to:

  • eliminate unlawful racial discrimination;
  • promote equality of opportunity;
  • promote good relations between people of different racial groups.

This policy has been developed with regard to the guidance and Code of Practice issued by the Commission for Racial Equality.


To support these aims BB Packaging Ltd will ensure that in the conduct of all its activities, any necessary steps are taken to avoid the occurrence of racial discrimination, whether direct or indirect, and to promote good relations between different racial groups.

Discriminatory behaviour, including harassment or bullying by individuals or groups, will be regarded as grounds for disciplinary action by the Moderators, which may include expulsion or dismissal.


Consultation will be a key feature throughout the implementation and review of this policy. This will include staff and, in particular, those from different racial groups and any other interested and relevant groups within the company who are identified by the Moderators.

Community partnership

BB Packaging Ltd will work in partnership with the community and racial equality organisations and networks to develop a positive environment in which diversity and difference are valued.


Proper training of members of staff at all levels will help to ensure that the commitment to race equality is fully achieved. The purpose of training is to inform individuals of the Race Equality Policy and also to ensure that principles underlying the Race Equality Policy underlie decision-making processes at BB Packaging Ltd .

Monitoring and auditing

BB Packaging Ltd has in place arrangements to monitor, by reference to different racial groups, the selection and recruitment of members of staff. The results of this monitoring process are collated by the Managing Director and are reported to the board of directors for this purpose. It is the responsibility of the board of directors to review the effectiveness of the equal opportunities policies and to propose to the Moderators any steps necessary to improve the practice and procedures in relation to race equality and other equal opportunity matters.

The board of directors are responsible to the Moderators for the development, implementation, monitoring, prioritisation and review of equal opportunities policies generally.

Contractors and service providers

BB Packaging Ltd will require contractors and service providers to abide by the Race Equality Policy while working at BB Packaging Ltd and the Eco Cup Store.


The Race Equality Policy will be reviewed annually by the Moderators to assess its effectiveness through regular monitoring of the action plans and the reports prepared by the Managing Director.